


出典: 標準

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Grace has extensive public policy experience, and has provided advice within and to governments, regional bodies and international organisations (such as ASEAN and APEC), and multinational companies and industry associations, on a range of digital economy and digital trade issues across Southeast Asia and Australia. Grace leads a number of digital economy and digital trade focused research projects at Access Partnership, focusing on fit-for-purpose policy development, and promotion of regional alignment. Prior to joining Access Partnership, Grace worked for an Australian government inquiry developing practical recommendations to improve the child safety regulatory framework, with a strong focus on the online environment, and at an Australian government department promoting digital literacy and skills within the school education system, including implementation of government STEM education programs. Grace holds a Bachelor of International Studies and a Bachelor of Laws (Hon II) from Macquarie University, Australia. Lili Yan ING(Lead Advisor (Southeast Asia Region), the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)) 简历 Dr Ing was appointed as Lead Advisor to the Minister of Trade of Indonesia from 2017-2019 and Senior Advisor on Trade and Investment at the President's Office of the Republic of Indonesia from 2015-2016. She has written articles and edited books, among others: World Trade Evolution, East Asian Integration, The Indonesian Economy, Production Networks in Southeast Asia, Regional Integration and Non-Tariff Measures in ASEAN, Non-Tariff Measures in ASEAN, and 50 Years of Indonesia's Trade Policy. She regularly speaks at international fora such as WTO symposiums, NTM Weeks, and East Asia Business and Investment Summit. She is also a frequent contributor to the East Asia Forum, The Diplomat, Asian Nikkei Review, and Jakarta Post. Mary E. LOVELY(Anthony M. Solomon Senior Fellow, The Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) / Professor of Economics at the Maxwell School, Syracuse University) 简历 Mary E. Lovely, Anthony M. Solomon senior fellow at the Peterson Institute, is professor of economics and Melvin A. Eggers Faculty Scholar at Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, where she combines interests in international economics and China's development. During 2011-15, she served as coeditor of the China Economic Review. Her current research projects investigate the effect of China's foreign direct investment policies on trade flows and entry mode, the relationship between proximity to export markets and cross-city wage variation, and the influence of Chinese tariff reductions on labor shares of value in its manufacturing firms. She recently completed studies of American manufacturing employment and outsourcing to low-income countries, the role of intellectual returnees in the success of China's photovoltaic solar industry, and the structure of Chinese reforms of state-owned enterprises. Lovely earned her PhD in economics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and a master's degree in city and regional planning from Harvard University. 宋 泓(中国社会科学院美国研究所(CASS,IAS)副所长) 简历 Dr. Song Hong, Deputy Director General and Senior Fellow at the Institute of American Studies (IAS), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Professor of the Graduate School of CASS. He obtained his Bachelor degree in philosophy from the Department of Philosophy at Northwest University in 1987, and Master degrees in Economics at Fudan University in 1994 and Ph.D. degree in Economics 1997 from Nankai University. Professor Song is an economist. He focuses on trade and investment issues. A special concern is with the impacts of multinational enterprises on industrial development in developing countries, especially in China. 主持人 渡边哲也(RIETI副所长,东京大学公共政策研究生院客座教授,顺天堂研究生院数据科学专业客座教授) 简历 各种活动 政策研讨会 工作研讨会 BBL论坛 已结束讲座系列 交流 申请订阅电子信息 --> --> 研究内容 研究项目(2024-2028年度) 研究项目(2020-2023年度) 研究项目(2016-2019年度) 研究项目(2011-2015年度) 政策研究领域(2006-2010年度) 研究项目专集 研究员 研究论文 工作论文(日文) 工作论文(英文) 政策论文(日文) 政策论文(英文) 学术论文(日文) 学术论文(英文) 研究摘要 政策分析论文 调查报告 出版物 RIETI Books(日文) RIETI Books(英文) 通商产业政策史 编著者对本书的介绍 其他出版物(日文) 其他出版物(英文) 其他出版物(中文) 各种活动 政策研讨会 工作研讨会 BBL论坛 已结束讲座系列 数据 JIP数据库 R-JIP数据库 --> CIP数据库 各产业的名义·实际有效汇率 AMU与AMU乖离指标 RIETI-TID 亚洲各国生产率的国际比较研究计划(ICPA) 相关链接 寄稿/专栏 专栏文章 媒体寄稿 特集 经济产业杂志 研究员专页 特别企划 RIETI电子信息 关于RIETI 个人信息保护方针 网站声明 网站地图 阅览方法 联系方式 本网页内的署名文章均属作者本人观点,不代表经济产业研究所的立场。文中的职称、数字以及固定名称等都以刊载时为准。希望转载时,请事先与我们联系。 返回页首

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